If you have a warm home, be thankful. If you have enough food, be thankful. If you have the love of others, be thankful. Please remember our homeless critters especially during the holiday season. Adopt. If you cannot adopt, please donate. If you cannot donate money, please volunteer. EVERYbody has a few "extra" hours a week to help make life a little better for those who cannot speak for themselves.
A Shelter Dog's Poem(unknown author)
Once upon a time, you see,
There was this little pup
For reasons unbeknownst to me,
His family gave him up
Maybe it was chewing
Everything that he could find
Maybe they were busy and
Just didn't have the time
They took him to the shelter
And they just left him there
Outside, alone, in the cage
Shivering and scared
Even though they knew inside
If he went through those doors
He may never have the chance
To find a home like yours
He sat there crying silently
Wondering what he did
That was so bad that they just
Had to leave him like they did
However fate was smiling
On that little pup that day
Because a lady saw him
And she whisked him right away
He got a second chance at life
That others may have not
And now he's in a loving home
With everything he wants
Every day he gets that love
That he was looking for
And silently is thankful for when
She walked through that door
Others may not have this chance
So open up your heart
And adopt a shelter dog to take
And give a brand new start
A Shelter Dog's Poem(unknown author)
Once upon a time, you see,
There was this little pup
For reasons unbeknownst to me,
His family gave him up
Maybe it was chewing
Everything that he could find
Maybe they were busy and
Just didn't have the time
They took him to the shelter
And they just left him there
Outside, alone, in the cage
Shivering and scared
Even though they knew inside
If he went through those doors
He may never have the chance
To find a home like yours
He sat there crying silently
Wondering what he did
That was so bad that they just
Had to leave him like they did
However fate was smiling
On that little pup that day
Because a lady saw him
And she whisked him right away
He got a second chance at life
That others may have not
And now he's in a loving home
With everything he wants
Every day he gets that love
That he was looking for
And silently is thankful for when
She walked through that door
Others may not have this chance
So open up your heart
And adopt a shelter dog to take
And give a brand new start