The other day we were giving our 25-year-old parrot a quick nail trim (just the tips). She usually tolerates it okay but it's still a two-person process just so the "clipper" (yours truly) doesn't get bitten. Cut a couple...then she squirmed a little bit, started in with the African Grey "growl" (never a good sign), and then jerked her foot away. Jim said something along the lines of "Maybe it hurts her." Absolutely clear as a bell, Higgie says, "It hurts!" I think I came close to dropping her we were laughing so hard.
She accurately matches a lot of words with actions such as "Bye!" when she hears keys rattle..."Jump Up!" if Krystal is nearby...or "No!" if Krystal jumps up at her cage..."Sit!"..."Good girl!"...well she talks a lot to Krystal (*grin*) in addition to fun things like "Go ahead! Make my day!" But that was definitely a first.
She's a feather picker and the pathetic half-featherless little thing is sooooooooooo ugly...but she's sooooooo sweet. Think we'll keep her least for another 25 years or so. :-)